It's probably best to flat ignore the manufacturer's hype for now.
Another future piece of hardware you will buy is a modem...better yet a modem-fax unit combined. Do not get one of these units yet since they are just emerging from the "lab" and you don't want to be caught trying to figure out what is going right or wrong. "But what about a straight modem?" you ask. I have one and I don't know what I would do without it. There are a few things that you should know about telecomputing. You can use a "call waiting" line but you must disconnect the feature before you dial out, but for ease of mind, I prefer a clean dedicated line. If you do use a dedicated line,
it doesn't have
to be "data clean"
right back to the
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megabyte external SCSI hard drive.....look carefully at CMS ENHANCEMENTS.The company looks like it will stay in business for awhile. This last statement may sound strange but I can cite two examples of companies that made the mad dash up the mountain of success, successfully, but failed to notice the sheer drop on the other side. Long term support went right out the window.......and you end up with a piece of junk when the drive quits. Remember, nothing lasts forever. Bitter experience! Now I would like to draw your attention to vast amounts of night soil from a bull elephant. It's called access speeds of the read-write heads on a hard drive. For the life of me, I can't understand what I'm going to do with all of one (1) or two (2) seconds the more expensive drives are supposed to save me, Can you?